Long days are commonplace in farming, especially during critical seasons like planting and harvesting. Sometimes the daylight runs out before the work is done. When that happens, farmers must work past sunset or before dawn to get the job done. While lighting for tractors and agricultural machinery isn’t new, the range of options for lighting is ever expanding. For farmers who want the brightest possible lighting, LED lighting is the clear choice.
Good lighting choices for farm equipment:
1) Tractor lights: For the best night vision in the field, LED lights cast the most light forward and to the sides. LED lights are rapidly replacing halogen as the lighting of choice. With brighter light, it’s easier for farmers to see animals hiding in the field, the alignment of crop rows and any obstructions in the pathway. The brightness of LED lights helps reduce eye strain for farmers who must work late into the night. Instead of trying to spot things with the dim light produced by older lighting technologies, farmers using LED lights can see everything clearly just like during the day.
2) Warning lights: Being able to see objects in the field is often seen as the primary benefit of tractor lights, but being seen by others is equally important. That’s when warning lights come into the picture. Warning lights are essential to alert others of your presence, and LED lights shine brighter for better visibility. When tractors need to travel on roads to go to another field, it’s vital to be highly visible at night. LED warning lights give tractor operators the greatest visibility.
3) ATV and UTV lights: Many farms also have an ATV or UTV to help with chores. Because these vehicles travel on rugged terrain and often at higher speeds, equipping ATVs and UTVs with super-bright LED lights enhances safety. With brighter lights, you’ll better see animals, rocks, stumps and other obstacles that could pose problems.
Discover the difference between halogen and LED lights
If you’ve been using halogen lights, you might think they are good enough, but if you ever try LED lights you will understand the difference. Here’s how we can best describe the difference in words. The unit of measurement to describe light output is lumens. A 55-watt halogen bulb produces about 1,000 lumens and a 50-watt LED light produces 6,900 lumens. If you can visualize that, picture how much farther that would cast light when you’re on your tractor at night.
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