Right to repair a tractor takes a positive step forward

Farmers have won an important battle on who can repair their agricultural machinery

In recent years, farmers have become increasingly frustrated by efforts that limit their choice on repairing machinery. Many of the large equipment manufacturers have strived to limit repairs exclusively through OEM dealers. The option to repair equipment oneself or to take it to an independent repair shop has been limited by efforts from manufacturers of agricultural equipment. There has been a change for the better. A recent agreement between the American Farm Bureau Federation and John Deere has made choice about repairs more accessible.

Under the new agreement, the choice to repair machinery oneself or take it to an independent shop is once again available to farmers. This is a good breakthrough that enhances consumer choice when it comes to buying replacement parts and obtaining repair services. The measures to limit choice on repairs primarily affects modern agricultural machinery, and not older models. However, it’s a positive development to allow all owners of tractors and farm machinery to have the right to make decisions on repairs.

This agreement has the potential to save farmers money machinery repairs. Having more competition on places to bring equipment for repairs helps bring prices down. Farmers will also have the option to purchase quality aftermarket replacement parts instead of higher priced OEM parts. When you’re replacing big ticket items like radiators, water pumps, alternators, starters, power steering pumps, hydraulic pumps and clutches, it can add up to some serious money.

The agreement provides access to software and repair manuals that are essential for successfully completing a repair. Lack of access to these resources has been a stumbling block for farmers who like to do their own repairs and independent repair shops. The American Farm Bureau Federation is working on negotiating similar agreements with other tractor and farm equipment manufacturers.

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